All your bid invites in one place

Basis connects with your inbox, finds your bid invites, and intelligently sorts the emails into opportunities on a simple to use dashboard.

Why online bid boards are the future

Most subcontractors are wasting hours each week on repetitive, administrative tasks. By adopting an automated online bid board, jobs won't slip through the cracks and your team will be able to dedicate more time for building relationships with your General Contractors.

How It Works

Connect your inbox(es)

Setup is dead simple. Connect your Gmail, Outlook, or other email provider and we'll begin to organize your bids, eliminate duplicates, and sort all your bids into a company wide folder.

Qualify your opportunities

After syncing, create rules to qualify or disqualify projects by General Contractor or location.

Start tracking

Your bid board should now show you only bid invites that are relevant to your business, it's that easy.

Data and security

BasisBoard is meant to be the single source of truth for all your estimating and project information. This means quotes, proposals, plans, and more. We've taken the time to ensure all data stored in BasisBoard is encrypted with TLS, backed up periodically, so you can feel comfortable tracking all your bid related information in the application.

See why leading subcontractors choose BasisBoard

"When I showed them how many hours I was spending just entering data and not bringing in projects for the company, they immediatly saw how much value there was."

Erich Ruhmann, Estimator at Negwer Materials

Negwer Materials